Saturday, October 4, 2014

{A day for our T}

Next Saturday marks a year since Travis passed away.

When I think of Travis, and when I remember his life,
his last year of life especially-
I remember how much Travis wanted to make others' lives better.

About 2 months before he died a friend at work was going through a few
health problems....and honestly, comparatively, they were much smaller then T's.

But Travis would come home, after working most of the day- barely able to eat,
throwing up at work, sweating, aching and exhausted-
and all he could talk about was how bad he felt for his friend.
How worried he was about his upcoming tests and his future.

He would say, 
"He's just too young for this..."

I don't even think Trav saw the irony in his worry.

And I can't even tell you how many times he would come home broken hearted
over the loss of a friend at the Cancer Center, or just how he could tell someone was 
having a bad day or tough treatment.

And no matter if we were stretching ourselves incredibly thin trying to pay for a 
drug or a scan, Travis always wanted to give to someone else...,make sure others had 
what they needed.

He was compassionate and giving and selfless.

So as I've been wracking my brain on a way to make our year mark special.
The girls really wanted to do 'something'...but we've been struggling with the right thing.
It's easy to do something sad.
It's also easy to do something so big it ends up feeling like a party.
And clearly, it's not a day to have a party.

So after a panic text to my sister-she came up with the best idea,
and I think Travis would completely approve.

Next Saturday is a day of kindness/service in honor of Travis.
We would love for you to join us.

Buy someone lunch in the drive through line.
Rake someones leaves.
Take someone dinner.
Give someone a compliment.
Make someones day.

Please E-mail me ( a pic or story of your service,
or tag me on Facebook,
or Instagram it with the hashtag #travstrong #travservice

I am praying you all join us.
I can't picture anything more special then sitting with the ladies next 
weekend and sharing with them all the acts of service in their Dad's name.
A way to show them that he can still live on and he still inspires others.

Don't let me down and make me look stupid...ok?

Share this with others and let's make it a great day for T!

1 comment:

Erin Davis said...

I'm in. Love you tons.